As human beings, each of us has been given the same basic opportunity, and all of us face the same basic challenge. When we look within ourselves, what we find is the seed of who we truly are. When we look outside ourselves, what we see is the environment in which we grow.

For us, the opportunity is to nurture the development of this seed, blossom fully into our true selves, and evolve. The challenge is that human society, as it is today, is not fully supportive of our true nature. In fact, as I look at human society today, I often wonder how can a person of conscience even live in this world.

To be perfectly honest, I have not been able to find an answer to this question. So I changed the question. Is there a higher consciousness in the Universe that is guiding our development and preparing us for a way of life that is fully supportive of our true nature? Then the answer came to me, and the answer is yes.

Essentially, when we choose to honor our true nature, by willfully nurturing our own development, higher consciousness provides us with guidance and support every step of the way. When we choose to abandon our true nature, by willfully participating in activities that do not support our development, higher consciousness takes a step back and allows us to experience the consequence of our actions. This process of nurturing our own development in cooperation with higher consciousness is what I call conscious evolution.

The information I am offering here is a collection of personal insights that I have acquired in my practice of conscious evolution. I make this offering, not as someone in a position of spiritual authority, but because these insights are the most meaningful thing that I have to share. If you are ready, let's begin.

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