
The goal of Safe Haven is to create a social environment that fully supports the uniqueness of every individual. This perfect integration of our full true individual nature with our full true social nature is the next step in human evolution. Using nothing more than the guidance of our conscience, and the feelings of love and fear produced by our emotional body, we embark on this shared journey of spirit that leads to our future self.

Remember that our goal is to live in a way that allows life energy to flood our being, pour into everything we do, and dissolve the accumulation of physical, mental, and emotional density that we have acquired in this lifetime. This can only occur when our emotional body is open, and our emotional body only opens when we feel safe. When we reach the point in our development where choosing to evolve consciously is the natural next step, our true individual nature is to find a space where we feel safe, and our true social nature is to create a space where we all feel safe.

As with all things spiritual, the process of finding Safe Haven, or creating Safe Haven, begins when we choose to connect fully with how we feel in the present moment. Knowing if we are thriving or struggling, if we are in a space that is supportive, hostile, or empty, and if we are in need of assistance or if we are able to provide assistance, allows us to take the next step. When we choose to move toward that which causes our emotional body to open, and away from that which causes our emotional body to close, we naturally enter the flow of life, and our journey of self discovery begins.


In a fully conscious Universe, the single most powerful force of attraction is mutual interest. When we find within ourselves both the courage and the will to pursue our heart's desire, our individual life stream naturally merges with the life streams of others who share the same interests. This is precisely how musicians form bands, how athletes form teams, and when we are ready, how consciously evolving beings form Safe Haven.

In reality, the vast majority of beings throughout the Universe have done this already, and it is perfectly natural for us to do the same. From an evolutionary perspective, the most practical approach to life is to choose whatever course of action allows our emotional body to remain fully open. Because of this, the fundamental principle of conscious evolution is kindness, beginning with kindness toward self.

Originally, the word "kind" meant natural. Living in kindness simply meant choosing to honor the true nature of whomever we were interacting with. Now, the fact that our natural state of being is open, and that we only close when we feel threatened, means that kindness is choosing to live in a way that allows everyone's emotional body to remain open, beginning with our own.

Clearly, when we look at society today, we see many individuals who have not yet placed a high priority on kindness. Because of this, the second principle of conscious evolution is pace. In this world of light and shadow, we can only keep our emotional body open if we don't try to change anyone else. Free will allows each of us to choose kindness at our own unique pace, and if we are ready right now, our life stream will naturally merge with the life streams of everyone else who is also ready right now. The remainder will choose kindness at their own pace, and eventually everyone makes it through to the next level.


The true nature of a fully supportive Universe is that, whenever any one of us is ready to step into the light, someone else is ready to provide assistance, and whenever we are able to provide assistance, someone else is ready to receive. When we choose to be fully open, when we choose to feed the LightBody, the law of attraction naturally brings us into a space where we truly feel safe, and we are surrounded by beings who are equally willing to give and receive support. Contributing to this space is how we raise the frequency of our vibration, and how we prepare for entering the higher dimensions.

Initially, when we arrive at Safe Haven, our first task is simply to let go, and give ourselves time to decompress. The truth is that a lifetime of conformity is extremely damaging to the spirit, and each of us has built more walls and developed more coping mechanisms than we are aware of. While these shields were all necessary in the aggressive/submissive paradigm of a conformist society, in Safe Haven they are nothing more than density that needs to be released and cleared.

This process of allowing new arrivals to safely release all physical, mental, and emotional shields is typically referred to as holding space, and is the primary function of Safe Haven. When we first arrive at Safe Haven, those who have already cleared their personal density hold space for us, and when we have successfully cleared our personal density, we are ready to hold space for the next new arrivals. Receiving assistance from those who have gone before us, and passing this assistance on to those who come after us, is the engine that makes conscious evolution possible.


Held within the nurturing space of Safe Haven, we are free to lay down all of our shields, release our grip on ourselves, and reconnect with that which brings us joy. In the absence of internal resistance, the natural flow of life energy is restored, our inner senses of empathy and telepathy grow stronger, and our aura glows more brightly. Each of us pursues our heart's desire openly, shares our uniqueness freely with everyone around us, and supports each other fully. This is how we practice creative self expression, this is conscious evolution, and this is who we truly are.

          Refugees of Conscience
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