Conscious Evolution

If free will is the opportunity to choose our actions, and spirituality is awareness of how and why we choose to live the way we do, then conscious evolution is choosing to live in support of our own development. The key word here is choosing, because it is free will that transforms evolution into a conscious activity.

Until now, humanity has been evolving unconsciously. We have very little understanding of what we are, where we are, how we got here, or why. For example, every night when we fall asleep, our lungs continue to breathe, our heart continues to beat, and when we wake up the next morning, we are still alive. The truth is that none of us fully understands how or why this happens. All we know is that every new day provides us with another opportunity to be alive.

The question is, how do we embrace this opportunity? Do we choose to be guided by our inner sense of self, or by pressure from the outer world? Do we express our uniqueness fully, or do we suppress our individuality in order to conform with society? Do we discover something new about who we truly are, or do we pattern today to be an almost exact copy of yesterday? Choosing to look at these questions, even if we are not yet ready to answer them, is how we begin to practice conscious evolution.

Remember that every free will act produces consequence, either positive or negative. When we choose to act in alignment with our true nature, our life path unfolds in one direction, and when we choose to suppress our true nature, our life path unfolds in the opposite direction. The fact that we were all born into a conformist society means that, to some degree, we have all been walking away from our true nature, either by shielding ourselves from, or by adapting ourselves to, social pressure. The consequence of this mass migration away from truth, this collective abandonment of reality, is that we have temporarily lost the ability to live in harmony with the natural world.

The opportunity to evolve into a higher state of being is our natural birthright. It is our spiritual inheritance that we receive by choosing to live our truth fully. Evolution is a process of advancement that builds upon itself, and it is only by developing the ability to live our truth fully, as human beings, that we create for ourselves the opportunity to discover who we truly are, beyond human.


Before we can fully embrace this opportunity to evolve consciously, we must first release any false beliefs that we have acquired on the nature of evolution itself, such as the Darwinian model that most of us have been exposed to. Conscious evolution does not involve random mutation or survival of the fittest. It also does not require us to reinvent ourselves, or to become something other than that which we already are. In fact, the word "evolve" literally means to roll out, like a carpet that is rolled out in front of us, revealing our path forward.

This path leads directly to our future self, and it already exists within us, as part of who we are right now. Whenever we begin to sense that life is offering us something more than we are currently experiencing, it is precisely this path that we are sensing.


The relationship between our individual spirit and our physical human body body lasts for a limited duration, typically referred to as a single lifetime, and it is only during this embodiment that we are actually human. Just as the true nature of every bird is to hatch from its egg, and the true nature of every child is to become an adult, our true nature is to enter a higher state of being as soon as our human development is complete. The Human Condition is an experience. It is not who we are.

For us to successfully discover who we are, we need to stop identifying ourselves as human. Our spirit already existed before we took on human form, and it will continue to exist after our relationship with this physical body ends. Learning how to access higher states of being, through intentional use of free will, is the essence of conscious evolution.

And here we see how the Human Condition serves as a single step on our evolutionary path that provides us with the opportunity to develop our use of free will. The fact that human society today is not fully supportive of our true nature means that we can only discover who we truly are if we choose to do so. If we simply continue allowing social pressure to define our path for us, we will continue moving farther and farther away from reality, and the only thing we will discover is the consequence of abandoning self.

Clearly, humanity's path has been defined by social pressure for thousands of years, and we have moved so far from reality that we are now separated from the higher dimensions by a quantum gap. This gap is necessary because the power of free will increases at higher dimensions, and it is only by demonstrating the ability to fully embrace our true nature, without imposing our will on others and without submitting to others who attempt to impose their will on us, that we are offered the opportunity to access the full power of our future self.


As life energy flows through our being, some of it successfully passes through the density of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, and radiates into the outer world. This energy is our aura, and it is our true contribution to life. Conscious evolution is the process of choosing whatever course of action brings us the greatest joy, because these activities naturally increase the flow of life energy through our being, dissolve the physical, mental, and emotional blocks that we have acquired in this embodiment, and cause our aura to glow more brightly. This is how we feed the LightBody.

          Free Will
          The Emotional Body
          Conscious Evolution
next:  Beyond
          Walking the Path