Walking the Path

Life is flow. When we are open, we are in the flow, and life takes us on a journey of self discovery. When we are closed, life flows around us, and we remain in our current situation. As free will beings, we have the opportunity to choose between being open and being closed. As spiritual beings, we have the opportunity to understand why.

On the most basic level, the answer to the question, "Why?", is always the same. We open when we feel safe, and close when we feel threatened. This is a function of our emotional body that we have absolutely no control over. What we do have control over is the choice of connecting with, or ignoring, the feelings produced by our emotional body as it opens and closes. When we choose to connect with these feelings, we are on the path.

The fact that we don't have direct control over our emotional body means that we can't simply will it to open. Instead, if we truly desire to be in the flow, we must choose to live in a way that allows our emotional body to open naturally. Our journey of self discovery begins when we choose to find the space where we feel safe.


Empathy and telepathy are inner senses that allow us to connect with each other on a level that is beyond human. Empathy is a function of our emotional body that gives us the ability to communicate directly, without the need for words, through the medium of feeling. Telepathy is a function of our mental body that gives us the ability to communicate directly, also without the need for words, through the medium of thought. When combined, these two inner senses form a Universal language that transcends dimensional divides.

Every feeling is actually a form of empathy. Every thought, a form of telepathy. When we choose, of our own free will, to bring our thoughts into alignment with our feelings, before committing any action, we are effectively combining empathy and telepathy. In this way, we begin the process of learning a Universal language that will allow us to communicate directly with higher consciousness.


Before we can begin to communicate with each other using empathy and telepathy, we must first develop the ability to understand our own feelings and thoughts. This echoes the main theme of our new spiritual awakening, that everything begins with self. We can only give what we have, and it is only by connecting with how we feel that we create for ourselves the opportunity to connect with each other.

Fortunately, understanding our own feelings and thoughts is very simple, and everyone can do it. When we choose to connect with how we feel, we instantly know if we are thriving or struggling. When we choose to focus on these feelings, we instantly understand why.

Simple, however, is not always easy. When our current situation is producing painful feelings and mundane thoughts, we may choose not to feel and think more deeply. In fact, doing so can be a very frightening experience. This is why identifying that which brings us joy is so important. When we submit to a way of life that is not continuously uplifting, we are not just depriving ourselves of the opportunity to have some fun, we are literally interfering with our own development.

Regardless of whether we are thriving or struggling, learning how to feel and think more deeply is beneficial to everyone. The path to higher consciousness, pursuing our heart's desire, practicing unconditional love, participating in that which brings us joy, being as radiant as possible, feeding the LightBody, and being in the flow, are all the same thing. They are all manifestations of bringing free will into alignment with Divine Will.


Every human being is an avatar of our Divine Self. This avatar is a vehicle that provides our individual spirit with the opportunity to practice free will. When we successfully bring our use of free will into alignment with Divine Will, by always choosing to fully honor our inner sense of self, our aura glows as brightly as humanly possible. This glow is a signal to the Universe indicating that our human development is complete.

In the Big Picture, higher dimensional beings are continuously monitoring our development, looking for this precise moment when our aura is as bright as humanly possible. When we reach this point in our development, each of us is offered the opportunity to leave this terrestrial world behind, raise our individual vibration to the frequency of a LightBody, and join the race of higher dimensional beings.

This is our natural birthright, our spiritual inheritance that we receive by choosing to practice free will in our own unique way, at our own unique pace.

The word "pace" literally means in peace. When we allow our spiritual development to unfold at our own natural unique pace, we are living in peace with ourself. When we honor the fact that everyone has a unique pace, we are living in peace with each other. This is Oneness.

We can not find another person's path for them, and no one can find ours for us. All we can do is glow as brightly as possible, making everyone's path easier to see. This is the Gentle Path, and it has brought us here.

          Free Will
          The Emotional Body
          Conscious Evolution
          Walking the Path
next:  Safe Haven